Cyber Resiliency Services

Threat Hunting

A human-driven proactive approach to discover potential intrusions that have evaded existing security safeguards, which complements ongoing threat detection and response activities.

A Focused and Systematic Approach

A systematic threat hunting program is one of the most impactful ways for security teams to identify threats early and prevent them from escalating into business-impacting security incidents. But often, in-house security experts are consumed by other high-urgency demands, pushing activities like threat hunting to the back burner.

CyberMaxx assigns a designated threat hunter to each Threat Hunting customer. The threat hunter plans and executes regular threat hunts focused on the customer’s environment of their choosing.

During these hunts, CyberMaxx uses the customers’ existing endpoint detection and response (EDR) technology to search for unknown compromises across the organization, using the MITRE ATT&CK framework to guide their efforts.

When critical events are discovered during threat hunts, the threat hunter notifies the customer via ticket, email, and phone call. If the customer also subscribes to MaxxMDR, the CyberMaxx SOC is also engaged to take proactive action to contain and mitigate the discovered threats.

The threat hunter hosts regular touchpoint meetings with the customer to communicate overall findings and provide suggestions for threat mitigation. These meetings are accompanied by a written report with detailed findings and recommended actions.

How CyberMaxx Threat Hunting Works

Our threat hunters scout for signs of unknown compromises that have evaded an organization’s security controls using various technologies and tactics, such as data analysis, machine learning algorithms, and manual checking. By analyzing the patterns generated through these measures, threat hunters can tell when malicious activity is likely.

Common activities performed during threat hunts include:

  • Collaborating with the CyberMaxx threat intelligence and research team to
    prioritize and guide hunts based on threat intelligence
  • Performing research to develop new hunt strategies and plans
  • Conducting manual investigations of suspicious activity found during
  • Collaborating with other security teams to respond to and remediate security
    threats discovered during hunting
  • Engaging with the SOC on mitigating response actions when the customer also
    subscribed to MaxxMDR

eBook: Threat Hunting Done Right

Breaking through industry misconceptions and identifying emerging threats systematically​

We’ve published this guide to provide a clear understanding of what threat hunting is and what it isn’t. ​The security vendor community often makes this confusing by using the term to describe things that aren’t truly threat hunting.

What’s included:​

  • The four definitive pillars of effective threat hunting​
  • Insights into threat hunting, MDR, and the Risk Reduction Flywheel​
  • Anatomy of a successful threat hunt​

Risk Posture Impact

CyberMaxx’s Threat Hunting service is an effective way for organizations to detect and respond to security threats more quickly and effectively. By proactively seeking out and mitigating potential security threats, organizations can better protect their networks and systems from damage and compromise.

Positive impacts on risk posture include:

  • Early Detection: Proactive threat hunting often identifies risks before they can do significant harm. This ensures that potential incidents are addressed quickly, and the consequences minimized
  • Improved Response Time: Early detection leads to faster response time after a potential breach, potentially halting any losses and damage that might have been caused. Ultimately, this approach helps organizations stay ahead of the game in terms of cybersecurity
  • Attack Surface Visibility and Reduction: Through systematic threat hunting, organizations can gain a more accurate view of their security infrastructure and existing risks. This knowledge allows them to make sound decisions about where resources should be directed to reduce their attack surface.
  • Enhanced Overall Security Posture: Organizations can increase their security posture over time by taking action to minimize discovered risks and threats. This is beneficial as it hardens defenses and saves time and resources by eliminating unnecessary alarms that would otherwise need to be investigated reactively
  • Improved Threat Intelligence: Threat hunting amasses pertinent information on the various cyber risks an organization may encounter. This data can then be used to reinforce security measures and protocols, while also allowing the security team to brace for any emerging threats

Get started with threat hunting

Ready to bolster your security strategy with a systematic threat hunting program?
Schedule a consultation with one of our experts to learn more about how CyberMaxx can help.